Just a few things that you can use Essential oils for. and Reap great benefits instead of side effects.
Uses for essential oils
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Anticancer
- Anti-parasitic
- Antiseptic
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-infectious
- Anti-tumor
The following is a list of common issues with a few suggested oils:
ACNE: Melaleuca (alternafolia), geranium, lavender.
ALLERGIES: Lavender, Purify Blend; Respiratory Blend (Breathe); apply to sole of the foot, or put on palms of hands and cup hands and inhale; A drop or two under the nose can also help. (I would diffuse regularly to help reduce allergens in the air. I would diffuse Purify, Immune Blend, Breathe, or peppermint).
ANXIETY/DEPRESSION: Serenity, Balance, ylang ylang, sandalwood, frankincense, Citrus Bliss; I would put this under my nose, on the back of my neck or on my chest, or somewhere where I could smell it throughout the day. I would also diffuse one of these oils regularly.
ASTHMA: Respiratory Blend (Breathe), wintergreen, Eucalyptus (Radiata), lemon, lavender, frankincense, marjoram; Rub on soles of feet 2-3 times daily, also rub on chest. Also, I would diffuse the oils daily to possibly reduce any airborne asthma triggers. (I would diffuse Purify, Immune Blend, peppermint or Eucalyptus (Radiata)).
BEE STINGS, BUG BITES: Purify, lavender.
BLISTERS: Melaleuca (alternafolia), lavender, sandalwood, frankincense.
BURNS: Lavender
SUNBURN: Lavender; peppermint can also be cooling for a sunburn.
COLD SORES/CANKER SORES: Guardian, lavender or sandalwood.
COLDS: Guardian, peppermint, Melaleuca (alternafolia), eucalyptus, lemon; apply to chest and spine. You can also apply a warm compress to help the oils penetrate deeper.
COUGH: Breathe, Eucalyptus (Radiata), eucalyptus w/peppermint, eucalyptus w/ Lemon.
CROUP: Breathe, Eucalyptus (Radiata); Apply to chest and along spine.
EAR INFECTIONS: Melaleuca (alternafolia) w/ lavender on cottonball and put in ear over night. I also put some around the ear area, but remember never in the ear. You can also use the Immune Blend or thyme.
FATIGUE: May help to apply Elevate or peppermint behind neck or on feet.
INSECT BITES/BEE STINGS: (non-toxic bug repellant) Purify blend would be my first choice, also try geranium, lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, basil, thyme, peppermint—most give short lasting protection, usually less than 2 hours, so reapply.
PINK EYE: Melaleuca (alternafolia), lavender; Apply to area around the eye. Be careful not to get in the eye or too close to the eye.
RSV: Rub the Breathe or eucalyptus on the chest area, and also on the spine. If needed, you can dilute. You can also mix the eucalyptus with peppermint or lemon.
RUNNY NOSE OR CONGESTION: Breathe or eucalyptus on sides of nose—eyes may water when you do this, so either close your eyes for a few minutes, or dilute with coconut oil.
SORE THROAT: Gargle with oregano and lemon. Put a couple drops of each in an ounce or two of water, and gargle as long as you can stand it. (I warn you this is nasty, but one time has usually been enough to take care of it for me, also you may want to have the coconut or vegetable oil handy in case any of it gets on your lips, it may burn a bit.) You can also gargle with the Immune Blend. Breathe, the respiratory blend, is also good for throat viruses, and you can apply this directly to the throat, for your kids who can’t do the nasty tasting things.
STREP THROAT: Put a couple of drops of the Immune Blend in some water and drink the water, or gargle with oregano and lemon; Oregano, frankincense, myrrh; rub on throat, chest and back of neck.
TENSION HEADACHE: Apply peppermint or wintergreen on temples, around hairline, across the forehead, and on the back of the neck, can also apply it to soles of feet.
SINUS HEADACHE: Breathe, Eucalyptus (Radiata), peppermint; Apply across forehead and around sinus area.
SORE MUSCLES: Apply peppermint or Serenity on affected muscles.
STOMACH/DIGESTION: Peppermint, or Digest Zen blend. Rub this on stomach area. For smaller children, you may want to dilute it with a carrier oil. Ginger is also a good one for stomach problems.
DIARRHEA: Rub peppermint or Digest Zen on the stomach.any Questions
CONSTIPATION: Rub peppermint or Digest Zen on the stomach. You can also try ginger.
HEARTBURN: Digest Zen, peppermint, lemon, ginger, anise; Put a couple drops in a capsule; Can also add a couple drops of lemon to 8 oz of water. By ingesting lemon juice and/or essential oils, the stomach stops excreting digestive acids, therefore alleviating heartburn or other stomach ailments.
NAUSEA: Rubbing a couple of drops of peppermint behind the ears may help.
MOLD: Diffuse some Purify Blend or Immune Blend.
PAIN: Deep Blue, wintergreen, peppermint, white fir.
STRESS: Lavender, orange, ylang ylang, lemon, Serenity; diffuse or apply somewhere where you can smell it throughout the day—i.e., back of neck, under nose, on chest.
Information from Discover doTERRA.
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