All natural cream that works.
We have made a cream that we designed to help with varicose veins, and people are coming back with even more great benefits from it.. The cream contains 4 different essential oils... ; Rosemary, lemongrass, geranium, cypress. all these oils in a body butter and in creams , have been helping some , with pain. as well as with vain appearance reduction.. More product info
These body butters and creams contain CPTG essential oils $7.00 - $10.00 each More info about B Y Natural's |
doterra essential oils |
I love it when this happens. I had sold one of the body butters with these oils to a lady, she then told one of her friends about it.. she asked me for one and the next day she came to me and said that she had used it on the back of her neck, because it was bothering her, and with in moments it felt better... so when she was experiencing some pain in her wrist she applied it there at night when she went to bed, and got up in the morning and the pain was gone. and didn't come back..
This kind of stuff makes me all worm inside. I love it when I can help people be more comfortable. Sense then I have had more and more orders for that cream and body butter.. everyone that has bought it has had great results.. Get ahold of me
Another person that bought some, was having problems with neck pain and not being able to sleep well as well.. They used the cream where it hurt and then , that night slept better than they had for a long time... So they had multiple benefit :) I can't Waite to hear more stories from people... i love every moment of it... especially when people are sharing there creams and body butter with there family's and helping other people as well... 
If you would like to know more.. get ahold of me .Tel # 360-623-9804 Or contact me here