Do you have dry patches? or some skin condition that is bothering you?
So I have to say that everyone that has used this has had great results..
All the essential oils that I use are DoTERRA CPTG essential oils.. And still hold there therapeutic benefit.
I am loving that my all Natural products are helping people, and at a affordable price.. I use to go to doc, and they would cost me lots of money.. And sense I have taken some of the toxins out of my home and use essential oils on a regular bases. My skin hasn't been better.. Thank you DoTERRA...
I am so lucky to have found them. or should I say. To be shown them, By a very close friend...
Thank you to Jessica too...
Ok so back to my story.. Or my info , I want to share with you...
So there was a guy at work that had pretty bad dry patches on his elbows and on the backs of some of his fingers , and we were at the pick nick tables at lunch and they were itching him, So I told him he could use some of my lotion . He said "OK", So he used it and 2 hrs later said that they felt amazing... Now I know that is weird, right , only 2 hrs.. But who am I to say . it wasn't my skin.. He bought a bottle of cream too. and he only uses it 2 times a day and the patches are pretty much gone.... It has only been 1 wk sense he got the cream..... I love those results...
Another person that bought it for her sister that suffers from really bad psorisus , she told me 2 weeks later that her sister keeps it by her bed and uses it before bed and has gotten 60% better..... That is awsome... I feel soooo good when I hear things like that.... So any ways.... Yes use lavender, melaleuca, Oregano,. you might not even need all 3 . try one or all... See what might help what you got.... I am a Definite all Natural products girl... everything from my laundry soap to my dish washer soap, my Bath soap, lip balm, foot balm, lotions, and massage creams... I try to make everything that touches my skin, because we absorb everything that toches us through our skin.. And that is more toxins for our body's to process. Reduce those things and treat the skin, and your on your wayyyyy... Yaaaaa ...
Ok i got to wrap this up.. so till next time, and I look forward to reading your comments...
Brook Robles B Y Naturals