The Common question, how much do I use. And how Often.

So this weekend I went Back over to Idaho. I got to see my Grandpa again. and he is doing better after his stroke. Got to go to my Uncle Wes and Gene's how for a bit. There not sure for how long.. But then they will go home from there. But will need help at there place. No permanent affects on his arms or legs or movement. Mostly vision problems.. Mostly the Left eye. But he is working on that. And they are having good results. OK so that's one of the reasons I went over there. The other is, My friend Nicole and I always celebrate our Birthdays together. so I was also going for Birthday weekend as well.
So anyways while I'm there, I ran into allot of sick kids and adults to. I was Putting On Guard on everyone. and lots of it. You know what your Body needs. So give it to your body. There was a girl with a cold and i put on guard on her feet. peppermint on her chest with rosemary and frankincense , and she was feeling better than she had for days, she said. if you feel like maby in a hour or 2 you could use more. use more. The adults that wanted to take capsules I made capsules and the ones that were having other body ake problems, I would add more frankincense in the capsule. with in one day people were feeling better..
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Some of the oils should be used with a Carrier oil but other than that, you can't really overuse them and hurt your self. maby irritate the skin sometimes but won't hurt you. With this FLU going around I am hitting my family hard. So far we are just kind of dealing with a cold. Not much else, so that is my Goal. And dealing with it on our own. and still not turning into something we can't handle.

So the worse you feel the more you use the recommended oils , and you be the judge. the more often the Quicker you'll hit it back.. 3-5 times a day. or even every Hr. What ever your body is telling you.. Lemon And On Guard. That is a great way to build our immune systems. Another helpful hint.. If you put the oils under your tong, you get 300% more absorption then topically. So if you can take the taste for a moment. and you want to hit it hard and Quick. Under the tong. I found on that note. that if I seal up the bottom teeth with my tong and not swallow or talk for a few min , then it absorbs and then I don't taste it near as bad... But again what ever works for each individual. Any Questions or Comments Don't hesitate.To get a hold of me.
contact me Also if there is something you would like me to include in my next post. just let me know and I'll see what I can do.. Look forward to hearing from you all.
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