I told her " don't you worry right now, ( her name ) I am not worried about that right now". " I know how it feels to have something painful like that, that bothers you all the time.. I just want to help your hand get better if I can...
For those of you that didn't Know , I had really Bad Psoriasis on my hands and feet. And I fought it for Over a year Very very painful. And all I kept hearing was now that it has come out you'll have it for the rest of your life... going to the dermatologist, using different ointments and creams. and nothing helped near as good as the DoTERRA Essential oils that I use. I mean the prescriptions would knock it back a little . enough to where maby it wasn't cracking and bleeding. But it was still very visible. and painful at times..
When My medical at my work stopped covering my perscription cream is when it got ugly... I went to the doc. Got my refill and the pharmacy said ummmm this isn't covered anymore.... Nice I said, " well how much is it..." when the lady at the counter told me how much I about , well you know. Crap... She said 548.00 . Are you kidding me, I said. ow my gosh. I do not have that. Sorry. That much $ for 60g. of cream that maby lasted me 6 wks.. I didn't know what to do. I was freaking out.. Then because I was stressed I broke out all over my body...
I was introduced to DoTERRA Essential oils. and had everything cleared up in less than 3 months.... I love DoTERRA Essential oils... I'll tell you exactly what I use. that way if you have one of these skin diseases than you can try it too... I was absolutely amazed.. My doc told me . " you'll just need to stay on top of it . some days will be worse than others... and not only that. the med. he told me if you use it too much it can make your skin really thin and you could break out worse. SO be careful.... nice huuu. Well no side effects to the oils either... yaaaaa. So her it is..
15ml glass bottle...
20 drops lavender Essential oil
10 drops Frankincense Essential oil
Sometimes 5 drops Oregano If I feel like it might be wanting to flare up.
And the rest extra virgin olive oil. ( cold presses)
I'll just fill the bottle the rest the way up..
And I keep it in my pocket.
I back to the lady at work... I ended up giving her my bodle out of my pocket, and told her I just see you on Monday... Unless you make it to my Seminar. :) And in that case I will have it waiting for you there....
So thats Why the skin post... hopefully It will help you guys too.
Contact me anytime
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