Balance you life and mind.
There are many different oils that can help with chemical in balances in the brain. Lots of times this is due to poor diet, When it has a lot of effect on you mood and irritability..
Here’s a cool thing that I have done that totally surprised the heck out of me… But it worked… And that was what really mattered, , So around the holidays we had some family members over , and one of them cooped them selves up in the bathroom for a while.. When the husband went to see what was wrong , his wife was all upset, Crying , saying she was fat, ( mind you she is no way fat at all , prob. more like underweight for sure ..)
So her husband comes out and looks at me and says.. ” I don’t know what to do Brook, I give.. She is really freaking out.. ” So I go in there and He is right she needed some help.. Her mind w
as not really in a stable state a all. No one had done anything to her all night.. She had no reason to even be mad or blame this on anyone.
. It was just she was out of balance..
So I told her I will Be right back after I kind of talked to her… And I went and got my Box of oils.. I wasn’t for sure what all I should Try , So I just tried the ones that I thought had the properties that I wanted to Accomplish.. So I put Lavender in her hands and put them to her face, I put Balance essential oil blend and frankincense. along with The New Intune essential oil blend at the back of the neck . and balance on the inside of both her for armes. To center her self. And by the time I was done applying them . SHE WAS ALMOST LAUGHING.. Yep thats right… LAUGHING.
She looked at me and said she almost felt like she was high… I laughed, and said, ” Ya you are.. You brain is thriving off the essential oils.. The were totally correcting what was going on in her head.. In a matter of like maby 3 minutes we were walking down the hall out of the bathroom and into the living room to hang out with everyone else..
The rest of the night she was laughing and nothing bothered her any more
,. She was back to the way it should be… I new they would help her, But I never thought it would be so drastic and Quick.. I mean I really was only in the bathroom with her for maby 5 minutes.. Her husband was sold… He said if all he needs is some oils to make her happy then that’sfantastic…
So the moral is.. Mother earth provides the tools we need to live inbalance And DoTERRA just puts them in there purest form and in our homes… I love them more and more every day… And if you want to know how to get your own oils . Or call me @ 360 623 9804 .. I just love being able to see them change peoples life’s.. Till next time.. Brook Robles IPC 198712