Take Pain Away and work To Heal the Problem
1. Hear a Great way to take pain to a minimum and start addressing the problem, so your body can heal.. So hear is what happened today. A little after I showed up for work I Seen one of my co-workers holding his arm. I said " Hey whats up?" He said he messed up his wrist and it was hurting really bad. I said, Well lucky for you i filled my key chain before work today. So that you know what I am talking about. It is a key chain that holds * small Viole's of oil. Really handy to have by the way , and there only like 6.95. But anyways. Isn't that funny that would happen today. of all days , when I would just so happen to have something to help him. Well anyways I thought it was kind of funny.
So I tell him. I will go get it at break if you want , if it is still bothering you. he's like " OK '.. At Break, I put Aroma tough Blend, Deep Blue blend, and Frankincense. He said he was feeling it before I was even done. and then when i got done, I told him just to try not to stress it to bad. About a half hour later he came over to me and gave me a thumbs up. I guess that means it did the trick. So at lunch I asked if he wanted me to put more on his wrist and he said no I'm good. But about 1 hr after he said it was starting to bother him. So he got relief for 3.5 hrs off one application of those three oils... I was like heck ya. that's good time for as bad of pain he said he was in.. So I went and put more, and he was good to go again for another well at least 3 hrs, because he was still good when I put more before we were leaving for the night.. But I wanted it to last so he could get some rest..
These oils do amazing things. and I see it everyday.. I just like to be able to put a time mark on how long it last for certain things... I just find it really interesting... I told him, Kind of cool how plants can take our pain away and drive to the stem of the problem as well. He said " Ya, It really is crazy' . And truly that is how people thing . they think when we talk about how natural things work better than chemicals and toxins , That we are crazy. But when they see it work for them selves and faster than any pill you can take. They start to believe.. The proof is in the pudding, My Dad use to say... And isn't it the truth?
I have also had fantastic results with this combination on my back.. I love it. and it is the only thing that helps me in long car rides. I have a back injury from about 8 years ago where I herniated 2 of my lower disks in my back.. i use to take Ibrepropherin and Tylenol, and sometimes go to the Doctor and get pills. and then those made me all backed up. you know. So this helps allot, and works way better than any pill I ever took. No side effects, and I always know what I am doing. No medicine head. exc. And I have found that it doesn't bother me as often as it use to. So even that its a old injury , I think it has to be healing it as well. That's all I can think of... But that's just my personal experience with it... And I know the Cell structure is there with these oils..
3. So you don't think that was enough people for the night, do you? ow no. I went to the gas station, That I sometimes go to on my way home, I was checking out and the lady was like ow man I hurt my back today. I am thinking NOOO way. This is kind of weird. So I ask her ow, " how did you do that?" She said she was in her barn feeding and fell on her back where she had hurt it once before, along time ago. i said Really, that sucks, She says ya, It sends pain down my leg and it hurts really bad, when this happens... So I ask her if she would like to try something to help.. She says ow heck ya, So I tell her that they are essential oil and that she should put the drops on her fingers and then apply to where it hurts.. I left her with a couple little bottles out of my key chain. Just happen to be the aroma touch blend and the deep blue... i told her, You'll feel it, And it will be nice.. Hahaha. and i left . I told her I would check on her another day... I really hate to see people in pain if I know I have something that can help them....
So call me crazy, But I love DoTERRA essential oils, and I know there was a reason I filled my key chain.. if you want to know anymore about these oils and what is in the blends. check out my products at the top of the page in the tab. Or click here.for product info.
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