Cuts and Burns
I'm sure i have went over this once or twice, But Here we go. I am so graceful that after dinner on sat. night I fell out side of the restaurant. Yep that's me. And I know this so I usually try to prevent these things from happening. But not this time. we walked out of the restaurant and there was a garbage can with a ashtray in the top. those big kind. well it as at the end of the exit,. And it was me and my family , so 5 of us and I go to move over for them to all come on to the side walk , and I stepped into a planter like flower bed. Kind of stepped down into into it , and then when I went to step out I tripped on a curb on the other side of the flower bed and down I went. Yep . lay ed my But out.. Peeled a pretty good chunk off my hand . and bruised my knee really good.
But the thing that make me soooo mad. I was the one carrying the left overs. So that was all over the parking lot.. and my family is laughing at me after they know I'm OK , Because my husband says, It's just my luck.. And It is true. But when things go right, they go right.
OK , Back to the hand. I took a picture this time so , Yaaaa and I used purify essential oil blend as soon as I got in the car with frankincense.. And when I got home, I used helichrysum. Ow my word is that a powerful oil... I could not believe what I saw it do to my cut. I took the band aid off when I got home, had my daughter take a picture. You know when you can see the red little blood dots starting to come out of your flesh. Well they were like that as soon as the air hit it. then I put the Helichrysum on it. It automatically started to neutralize the blood. It totally went from red to pink , to pail in color in a mater of seconds. It kind of stung just a little bit, But not bad at all. Hasn't bled sense ether. I love that stuff. So this picture is Saturday night , the night it happened.
Then this picture is tonight. Only one full day really. I can't believe it. the skin that was laid over it decided to come off today. but it look great underneath. I don't think I have ever seen something heal so fast before. This is crazy... If anyone wants to get some, make sure to check out my Products and get a hold of me at any time with any Questions. Contact me And 360-623-9804 Cell.
Do you see how the middle is just light pink. That was all fleshy red when i put the Helichrysum. Now it is just rebuilding the skin... I will keep you posted on the progress and how long it takes to fully heal..
These products really are a necessity not a commodity. The health care is just getting worse, and so is the medication that they are prescribing to the patients. The side effects are a mile long, and the thing that is suppose to be getting rid of is nothing compared to what the medication can cause at times... I am not saying that some times we need what the doctors give us, I just think that if we can address our own situation and try to fix it first then , why not? i love that DoTERRA has put all these at our hands and accessible to get.. That has always been the big challenge in the past. Was where can you find Good, Pure , Herbs and the proper things to cook down and treat the illness.
Well now we have it in its purest form. Essential oils. We just need to use them ... Let me show you how To use them and how to get them at wholesale price... Contact me
This is great for Burns too. If you have a very deep Burn , I would hit it with helichrysum , If it is just a surface burn , I would use lavender oil. and it will take the sting out of it and reduce the water and liquid under the skin. I love lavender for so many things too. The list goes on and on... another day perhaps... I look forward to hearing you comments and talking with you. Till next time , Brook Robles
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