Slim and Sassy
This Oil blend is a great thing to help in your goal to lose weight. Or maby just help balance your body's Digestion system. When it is doing that, you will normally automatically lose some weight right away. And not only that you will start to feel better and have more energy. There has been so many great story's with this stuff. So my teenage Daughter ( 17 yrs old ) , wasn't having physical education in school any more , wasn't playing any sports and wasn't really doing much of anything to burn calories. She was also starting to get that kind of square look. And not much curve. So she asked me if she could start using the slim and sassy. Here's the great thing about these essential oils. I don't have to worry about them hurting her or her having a hard time gaining it back right away. The great thing about this blend is that it is designed to reduce the size of the fat cell and eventually eliminate them. instead of most other weight loss stuff that reduces the cells But then when you stop taking it they balloon back up even Quicker. That is because the cells aren't going anywhere. they are just temporarily Smaller. AS long as you keep feeding them the diet pills or starving yourself. the cells will reduce in size. But with out proper exercises to covert those cells to muscle they will just always keep coming back.. So do you guess why i love this blend. Not only can you lake it under your tong, internally in water or capsule, But you can also rub it on your trouble areas to pinpoint your loss.. I love that.. Your cellulite areas. This works great.
She wasn't eating as often and she wasn't eating as much ether. She said that she just got full faster.. Ow and she really did no exercise other than to and from school. and in the hall. Other than that nothing more. In 3 months she lost 17 pounds. she looks great , She has her shape back and she said she feels great. click her for products
That is a good average weight loss too. you don't want to try to loose too much too fast of your body can't keep up. And you can lower you immune system that way. so always make sure we're still feeding our body what it needs on a daily bases.
Some people may look at this as a , I can't believe you would let your daughter go on a diet!!!! But here is the thing. I didn't , Its not a diet, it is balancing your body. So that your body functions the way it is suppose to. By taking the good out of our food we eat and getting rid of the bad. Instead of storing it in our body's and stock piling it. This is just a blend of essential oils..
It contains: Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and cinnamon. None of it will hurt you only help you.. i am a firm believer that our children in the US are the heaviest i have ever noticed. And i feel like if more parents addressed or tried to balance there child's metabolism. They wouldn't be as sick as often and the major health issues would reduce tremendously. Check out more about slim and sassy in my product at the top. Or Contact Me Leave me any Questions and I will answer them either in a post or right away..
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