Tumors and cysts
There has been great benefits with using essential oils for abnormal tissue growth, to kidney stones, Moles. All kinds of abnormal tissue growths can be addressed by using the proper essential oils.
There are also great benefits to eating asparagus. There is history clear back to the 1500's where they were using asparagus and boswelia ( frankincense oil come from) to get rid of kidney stones. and reduce tissue growth inside the body..
There are just so many natural things out there that we can do to take care of our body's that people don't know about. And I think a lot of it is just self educating your self because the way they teach you growing up isn't doing it. unless you grew up in a nutrition based family. And even at that, They aren't going to know half of what we need to.
So on that note. lets learn some things that I have found out for sure.
1. Thyme for getting rid of cyst forming on the tendents as well as on the wrist balls. I had a fellow consultant use thyme to get rid of a tubular cysts on the palm of her hand. That is what the doctor called it anyways. She had looked up what was recommended and got a bottle. She said that she put it on like a total of 4-5 times. She kept forgetting about it and then would remember so would then apply it. she said there was probably even days where she didn't remember it. and even at that. It took it away.. No removal of any painful surgery, No more Doctor bill. She had already had to have 2 other ones removed in the past. Before she started using DoTERRA Essential oils... Got to love these oils.. I do.
2. I am using Frankincense on the pads of my Dogs feet To reduce these fatty tumors that she has.. It is doing a awesome job. I don't always remember every day. But she had one on her neck and I went to take a picture for you guys and it has went down so much that I couldn't even see it in a picture. Frankincense is pulled from Boswelia. And is doing a great job on killing her tumors.. She also had on on her belly that was the size of a goose egg. and by the way she is a golden lab Pit bull mix.. The best dog ever... I love her soooo much.. So anyways. that on is like the size of a half a golf ball now.. i will try to get a picture of the mole I am working on her. It is big on her side. was black when I started and is now pink after just a couple weeks.. I think I still have wonders if it will work or not. and so I don't take a picture. And then when it does work , I am kicking myself for not taking one... Like the mole on my face... look here
4. Asparagus. For working from the inside out. The word is that if you take in 4 table spoons of asparagus daily and have proper diet, will bring up your alkaline levels in your body, and then these abnormality's can't Grow.. So include this stuff in your diet . It can save your life...
Hope this all helps you... and Get a hold of me with any questions. Click here Let me know what you think about my posts.... Brook Robles I was just about to wrap it up and i remember I wanted to share this with you guys. It touched me... sooo cute.. Hope you like it.
I'm really impressed on how much information you have just in general about these oils . And making it understandable without all the big words doctors like to use when giving you remedies . Keep up the great work I'm really starting to love these awesome oils : )
ReplyDeleteya me too. I love them and what they do for people. If you ever have any Questions or want to know how to get them. let me know. and check out the products tab at the top of the page. miss u talk to you soon.