Get affordable natural product.
Lotion, shampoo, soap, $10.00 |
So for those of you that haven't seen this, I am now making affordable natural products... I have joined with a partner " Yanet ", To make natural products, Not only for us and our family, But to have available at a very affordable price...
We have so far made 1. Lotion
2. Bar soap
3. lip Balm
4. Shampoo
5. Bath salts.
We continue to expand our products, once we figure out a good recipe. We have made 3 different sizes.
1. Chap stick $2.00
2. Medium lip balm $3.00
3.Large lip balm. $4.00
Right now we are making. wild Orange , peppermint-lavender, and Peppermint. ( will make request)
That way we have a price rang for everyone... We also offer 4oz. or 8oz bottles for the lotion.
4 oz $3.00
8 oz. $5.00
4 oz. $3.00 |
8 oz. Jar $ 9.00 |
right now we have. Elevation essential oil blend, Slim and sassy, lavender, wild Orange, wintergreen, Balance
essential oil blend. But we can make any kind you would like. This is just the most common.
All our lotions and other products can be made to the Oil of your choice as well. Some of the more expensive oils may cause the price to increase.. Like such as Deep Blue, Sandlewood, Exc. All products contain DoTERRA Essential oils.... CPTG certified..
bath salt, lotion, chap stick, soap $15.00 |
Or soap feels sleek and soft. and we have had good feedback on it , From everyone..I am very excited to be able to provide good products, Natural product to the everyday consumer, as well as my family...
$4.00 |
The shampoo That we are making is made with coconut milk and is very nice to use.. kind of a thinner texture, But I have hair to my waist, So that it works for me , is a pretty big deal... I have naturally wavy hair and lots of shampoo don't even come close to taming my hair, without other products.. It kind of would just fly away and be all frizzy... Well this seems to work pretty good. I was surprised
bath salt $3.00 cup |
We are also offering bath salts with natural essential oils and color.. we have lavender, wild orange, aroma touch essential oil blend, Balance, and wintergreen ( helps relax muscles and inflammations too).
make a basket. they smell great |
We are making 8 oz for $7.00 and 12oz For $10.00.. If anyone is interested in these all natural products. Give me a call. Brook 360-623-9804 Or Yanet 360-623-3607 We will Definitely ship in the US. Not sure about international yet... But we will get there. I promise. contact me Till next time... Hope to here from you..
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