Thursday, January 17, 2013

skin tags and moles, want to get rid of them

                              Getting rid of skin tags and moles

             OK, I have a few moles here and there that I don't like, but that I can deal with. But its those ones that stick out and get caught on thing that really bother me.. So I had a mole I believe on my face.. The reason I say I think it was a mole, is because i never got it checked out by a doctor or anything. And both my mom and my Grandma have had different skin Cancers removed and they said it looked about the same. It wasn't brown. It was kind of skin tone with a crusty kind of top on it..
              But anyways, I started to put Frankincense on it maby once a day when I would get out of the shower and maby at night if I remembered... It started to kind of itch from time to time and when I would scratch it pats would come off.. So after a bout a month I figured I'd try to increase it and try to remember to put it on 2-3 times a day. Ow and I would also put Oregano on at time. because i wasn't totally sure what it was and Oregano was one of the other recommended Oils for moles and warts , fungus exc.  There are many many uses for oregano too. but well cover that more another day . or if you want to know more. contact me
   So one thing you should know about Oregano essential oil, is that it is pretty warm on the skin, so you should dilute as recommended with Fractionated Coconut oil , Or extra virgin olive oil.. other wise it may irritate the skin...
            So once i bumped it up to 2-3 times a day with Frankincense and once in a wile throw on some Oregano, and walla.. Itched pretty good one day , and the sucker on my face came right off. No bleeding, No pain. I love it.. especially where it was on my face... I am also working on one in the middle of my back... It is a big Brown one. So we will see how that works out.. It is Quite a bit bigger. Thickness wise.. I have had it all my life that I can remember... I just always hear story's about how they hurt when you get them removed and I just don't want to...
          The thing it if I can take care of it Naturally then I don't need to go the Doctor to have it taken off and cost me a arm and a leg... so there is no Big recipe. Just put the frankincense right on it, no need to dilute. And dilute the Oregano when using.. Once i bumped it up on the times a day I used it . it was gone with in another month... So I would be safe to say that all the oil I used prob. cost me a whopping $20-$30.00 . I didn't really use that much of each. so that is a high estimate. Just keep applying till its gone.. I ll keep you all posted on the out come of the other one on my back.. I think it is a different kind...
           So skin Tags.  Use the same thing.. Frankincense , Frankincense... I do love that essential oil... This oil can also be used to enhance any other oils properties that it is put with as well.. And I love that it is anti- Cancer... I really Believe everyone should have this Oil in there house... I will post pics of after on the hole on my face , because I don't have one before. But I have got a pic of my back.. so that way I have a before and after of the other one...
         Here's the deal... We all need to learn how to try to treat our selves before we need to go to the Doc. And DoTERRA Essential Oils Makes that possible... By making these very precouse Oils easy for us to get..  You can always scope out our product line at the top of the page under Brooks DoTERRA Tab.. All the products that we offer are there. Check it out..
                                   So hopefully this will help some of you...   I would love to hear any feed back anyone might have...    So please subsribe to my Blog let me know any Question you might have.  Look Forward to hearing from everyone....  Brook Robles


  1. Did the skin colored mole grow back? I am trying to remove one right now and it is flattening slowly I think. Would love to hear how you made out with yours.

  2. often did you use the oregano and how long after you started did it take for it to actually work?

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